Package: solaR 0.46
solaR: Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems
Calculation methods of solar radiation and performance of photovoltaic systems from daily and intradaily irradiation data sources.
solaR.pdf |solaR.html✨
solaR/json (API)
# Install 'solaR' in R: |
install.packages('solaR', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
- Ktlim - Markov Transition Matrices for the Aguiar etal. procedure
- Ktm - Markov Transition Matrices for the Aguiar etal. procedure
- MTM - Markov Transition Matrices for the Aguiar etal. procedure
- helios - Daily irradiation and ambient temperature from the Helios-IES database
- prodEx - Productivity of a set of PV systems of a PV plant.
- pumpCoef - Coefficients of centrifugal pumps.
Last updated 16 days agofrom:e048c1b6c0. Checks:5 OK, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 19 2025 |
R-4.5-win | NOTE | Feb 19 2025 |
R-4.5-mac | NOTE | Feb 19 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | NOTE | Feb 19 2025 |
R-4.4-win | OK | Feb 19 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | OK | Feb 19 2025 |
R-4.3-win | OK | Feb 19 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | OK | Feb 19 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Solar Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems with R | solaR-package solaR |
Apparent movement of the Sun from the Earth | calcSol |
Irradiation and irradiance on the horizontal plane. | calcG0 |
Irradiation and irradiance on the generator plane. | calcGef |
Performance of a grid connected PV system. | prodGCPV |
Performance of a PV pumping system | prodPVPS |
Shadows on PV systems. | calcShd |
Shadows calculation for a set of distances between elements of a PV grid connected plant. | optimShd |
Daily or intradaily values of global horizontal irradiation and ambient temperature from a local file or a data.frame. | df2Meteo dfI2Meteo readBD readBDi zoo2Meteo |
Monthly mean values of global horizontal irradiation. | readG0dm |
Class "Meteo" | Meteo-class show,Meteo-method |
Class "Sol": Apparent movement of the Sun from the Earth | show,Sol-method Sol-class |
Class "G0": irradiation and irradiance on the horizontal plane. | G0-class show,G0-method |
Class "Gef": irradiation and irradiance on the generator plane. | Gef-class show,Gef-method |
Class "ProdGCPV": performance of a grid connected PV system. | ProdGCPV-class show,ProdGCPV-method |
Class "ProdPVPS": performance of a PV pumping system. | ProdPVPS-class show,ProdPVPS-method |
Class "Shade": shadows in a PV system. |,Shade-method Shade-class show,Shade-method |
Correlations between the fraction of diffuse irradiation and the clearness index. | corrFdKt FdKtBRL FdKtCLIMEDd FdKtCLIMEDh FdKtCPR FdKtEKDd FdKtEKDh FdKtLJ FdKtPage |
Daily time base | fBTd |
Components of daily global solar irradiation on a horizontal surface | fCompD |
Calculation of solar irradiance on a horizontal surface | fCompI |
Solar irradiance on an inclined surface | fInclin |
Performance of a PV system | fProd |
Performance of a centrifugal pump | fPump |
Daily apparent movement of the Sun from the Earth | fSolD |
Instantaneous apparent movement of the Sun from the Earth | fSolI |
Shadows on PV systems | fSombra fSombra2X fSombra6 fSombraEst fSombraHoriz |
Intradaily evolution of ambient temperature | fTemp |
Angle of incidence of solar irradiation on a inclined surface | fTheta |
H-Q curves of a centrifugal pump | HQCurve |
Local time, mean solar time and UTC time zone. | CBIND local2Solar lonHH |
Nomogram of a photovoltaic pumping system | NmgPVPS |
Small utilities for difftime objects. | char2diff diff2Hours P2E sample2Hours |
Conversion between angle units. | d2h d2r h2d h2r r2d r2h r2sec |
Utilities for time indexes. | DoM dom DoY doy dst hms hour minute Month month second truncDay Year year |
Methods for Function |,Sol-method |
Methods for Function |,Sol-method |
Methods for Function |,G0-method |
Methods for Function |,G0-method |
Methods for Function as.zooD | as.zooD as.zooD,G0-method as.zooD,Gef-method as.zooD,ProdGCPV-method as.zooD,ProdPVPS-method as.zooD,Sol-method as.zooD-methods |
Methods for Function as.zooI | as.zooI as.zooI,G0-method as.zooI,Gef-method as.zooI,ProdGCPV-method as.zooI,ProdPVPS-method as.zooI,Sol-method as.zooI-methods |
Methods for Function as.zooM | as.zooM as.zooM,G0-method as.zooM,Gef-method as.zooM,ProdGCPV-method as.zooM,ProdPVPS-method as.zooM-methods |
Methods for Function as.zooY | as.zooY as.zooY,G0-method as.zooY,Gef-method as.zooY,ProdGCPV-method as.zooY,ProdPVPS-method as.zooY-methods |
Compare G0, Gef and ProdGCPV objects | compare compare,G0-method compare,Gef-method compare,ProdGCPV-method compare-methods |
Methods for function getData | getData getData,Meteo-method getData-methods |
Methods for function getG0 | getG0 getG0,Meteo-method getG0-methods |
Methods for Function getLat | getLat getLat,G0-method getLat,Meteo-method getLat,Sol-method getLat-methods |
Methods for Function indexD | indexD indexD,G0-method indexD,Meteo-method indexD,Sol-method indexD-methods |
Methods for Function indexI | indexI indexI,Sol-method indexI-methods |
Methods for Function indexRep | indexRep,Sol-method indexRep-methods |
Methods for function levelplot. | levelplot,formula,G0-method levelplot,formula,Meteo-method levelplot,formula,Sol-method levelplot,formula,zoo-method levelplot-methods |
Losses of a GCPV system | compareLosses compareLosses,ProdGCPV-method compareLosses-methods losses losses,Gef-method losses,ProdGCPV-method losses-methods |
Merge solaR objects | mergesolaR mergesolaR,G0-method mergesolaR,Gef-method mergesolaR,Meteo-method mergesolaR,ProdGCPV-method mergesolaR,ProdPVPS-method mergesolaR-methods |
Methods for Function shadeplot | shadeplot shadeplot,Shade-method shadeplot-methods |
Methods for extracting a time window | window window-methods [,G0,ANY,ANY-method [,G0-method [,Gef,ANY,ANY-method [,Gef-method [,Meteo,ANY,ANY-method [,Meteo-method [,ProdGCPV,ANY,ANY-method [,ProdGCPV-method [,ProdPVPS,ANY,ANY-method [,ProdPVPS-method [,Sol,ANY,ANY-method [,Sol-method |
Exporter of solaR results | writeSolar writeSolar,Sol-method writeSolar-methods |
Methods for function xyplot in Package `solaR' | xyplot,formula,G0-method xyplot,formula,Meteo-method xyplot,formula,Shade-method xyplot,formula,Sol-method xyplot,formula,zoo-method xyplot,G0,missing-method xyplot,Meteo,missing-method xyplot,ProdGCPV,missing-method xyplot,ProdPVPS,missing-method xyplot-methods |
Markov Transition Matrices for the Aguiar etal. procedure | aguiar Ktlim Ktm MTM |
Daily irradiation and ambient temperature from the Helios-IES database | helios |
Productivity of a set of PV systems of a PV plant. | prodEx |
Coefficients of centrifugal pumps. | pumpCoef |
solaR theme | solaR.theme |
Defunct functions in package 'solaR' | analyzeData readSIAR solaR-defunct TargetDiagram |